Puppies. Fuzzy, cuddly puppies. They may just be learning to walk, but they already know how to charm. And photographer Sharon Montrose knows just how to capture puppies in all their wet-nosed, tail-wagging appeal.With this emotionally captivating book, the latest addition to her hit Lightweights Littermates series, Montrose trains her camera’s loving and bemused eye on French bulldogs. Her subjects—sweetly defenseless newborns as well as older pups just beginning to explore the world around them—are portrayed in both group and individual shots. But whether they’re huddled tightly together with their brother and sister littermates or bravely venturing out on their own, these little dogs share a common trait. They are adorable.As in the previous Lightweights Littermates books—on dachshunds and Labs—Montrose gives you each pup’s name, with the bite-size bulldogs represented by Pretzel, Flyboy, and Tubbs (among others) and the petite poodles by Claudine, Pascal, and Amelie. She also provides the age and weight for each—illustrating just how endearingly tiny they are by perching some of her wide-eyed pups on antique balance scales. Cute? You bet. These books are guaranteed to warm any dog-lover’s heart.