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Puppy farming awareness

The moves to publicise the dangers of buying a puppy farmed dog are to be warmly welcomed. In the UK the Kennel Club has had a bashing - and I do think that unscrupulous breeding, whether of KC registered dogs or in the squalor of a puppy farm should be exposed. BUT if you discredit KC registered dogs, how are people to know who to trust and who not to? The only answer is to get as much information out there about how to spot a good breeder, and how to recognise a "baddun".

Marc Abraham is on television tonight talking about this issue, here's more detail: co-founder and in-house vet Marc Abraham will be appearing on Channel 5 News this evening to talk about the horrific practice of Puppy Farming in the UK. 

Marc will also be operating on an ex-breeding bitch, commenting on previously unseen undercover footage taken recently in one of these breeding establishments and giving dog-lovers valuable consumer advice on how to make sure they are not buying a puppy farmed dog.

So tune in at 5pm and at 7pm this evening on Channel 5 and join Marc in the fight to end puppy farming for good. To find out more about puppy farming, visit blog, and to book free tickets to the World's Biggest Puppy Party on this year's Puppy Farm Awareness Day click here.