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Rescue Dog Rock

I’m interviewing Cynthia Miller next week about her positive approach to rescue dogs. Cynthia has two beautiful rescue dogs of her own, Malteses Lulu and Lolly. Cynthia decided that people need to adjust the way they think about rescue dogs, and to that end Cynthia, Lulu and Lolly have released a music video called Rescue Dog Rock.

It’s a refreshing change to see rescue dogs portrayed in a way that makes you think, “Hey, I want one of those!” rather than making you feel sorry for dogs cast in the role of victim.

The song is a finalist in a show contest sponsored by the Washington Post. You can vote for the video at the following link The winner will be announced in Sunday’s paper.

Cynthia’s interview will be in our Christmas episode (looking forward I know, but it isn’t that far away!) and I look forward to helping spread the positive message. In the meantime check out the girls' website at

Take care,

Julie x