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Good news from the Kennel Club

The Kennel Club has at last reacted really well to the furore created by the Pedigree Dogs Exposed Documentary, with this announcement “Kennel Club to Clamp Down on Breeders to Safeguard Health of Pedigree Dogs”. (

The firs new standard is for the Pekingese, and demands the breed has a muzzle rather than a completely flat face. (

It’s great to hear that the Kennel Club plans to overhaul the breed standards for all 209 breeds recognised in the UK by early next year, as well as briefing judges on how to implement the new standards. In addition they are asking the government to give them statutory power to ensure every dog breeder in the UK carries out relevant health tests, and follows the KC code of ethics. This would mean every puppy legally sold in the UK would be regulated by the KC.

This is fantastic news, and it will have a beneficial effect on dogs throughout Britain if and when it happens. The Kennel Club will earn a lot of “Brownie points” ( approval) with the British public – although I suspect a few breed clubs may not be quite so happy!

Good news for British dogs and dog owners though – hurray!

Take care,

Julie x