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Ted Kerasote

We have just enjoyed a weekend with Ted Kerasote, author of Merle’s Door. I have mentioned Ted and his wonderful book before in this blog but I make no apology for mentioning it again.

The good news is that Merle’s Door will be on sale in the UK in the near future, so many more British dog lovers can laugh, cry and be made to think by Merle’s life story. Meanwhile, Ted is hard at work on his next book, which focuses on why dogs have such a relatively short lifespan. It was fascinating to talk to Ted about his research, and a pleasure to accompany him on visits to RSPCA and Dogs Trust shelters.

We also went to a pet shop to look at the ingredients in dog food. This was eye-opening, especially when we read the contents of the food we currently feed to our dogs, Buddy and Star. At five and a half, Buddy is still full of beans and behaves like a dog half his age, but I have no wish to feed him anything that won’t lead to a long and healthy old age too. Star is very fussy about what she eats, and often rejects mere “dog” food anyway.

Ted had some excellent advice and pointers for my own writing, and our dogs took to him enthusiastically. Luckily he was equally enthusiastic about them, so his visit went well. To find out more about Ted Kerasote, his books and to see some beautiful photos of Merle do visit his website

You can hear our interview with Ted about Merle’s Door in episode 64 of DogCast Radio and I look forward to interviewing Ted again as soon as his new book comes out.

Take care,

Julie x