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The dangers of dog training

I was fleeced!
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Dog training can be rife with dangers. The dog can misbehave, you can have an off day, it can pour down with rain, you can be held up by a sheep on the way home. Yes, you heard right – you can be held up by a sheep on the way home, and it happened to me the other day.

It is a delightful drive to my agility trainer’s home, the scenery is breathtaking. Buddy and I had completed a session, and I was feeling that we were progressing nicely. We were on the way home, windows down, music playing, not a care in the world. Then the sheep appeared.

I slowed and eventually stopped. He showed no sign of moving and stared at me. I could see he had accomplices all around me. We were surrounded by sheep – was I going to be fleeced or was my thinking just a little woolly? I think two things saved me – the protection offered by my sturdy Land Rover, and the sheep’s lack of an opposable thumb.

Eventually he moved out of the way sheepishly – well how else would he move? - and we continued our journey home. I knew crime was spreading to rural areas, but I never expected the sheep to go bad.

Don’t forget that episode 71 of DogCast Radio will be available at and features great advice from Cindy Scott about separation anxiety and an excellent Border Collie breed profile from Barbara Sykes. Enjoy!

Julie x