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Underdogs and Greatest Dogs

There are some great TV treats for dog lovers. America’s Greatest Dog on CBS in America is absolutely fascinating. The contestants and their dogs, who are from a variety of backgrounds, live together for the duration of the show. There is the constant danger of being relegated to the dog house, and the promise of winning time in the luxury accommodation.

My highlights have been seeing Beth Joy stand up to the judges and argue her corner. Misguided, but great television! I was also touched by the close relationship between Bill and Star. Being a Brit I also love the way Bill talks. I have got to get me an accent like that!

To find out more about America’s Greatest Dog visit But a word of warning, it’s addictive.
In the UK The Underdog Show will be returning in the autumn. This was great watching last time, as it featured rescue dogs temporarily taken on and trained by celebrities. At the end of their time on the show the dogs were put up for adoption – those that weren’t snapped up by their celebrity owner that is.

This show did a huge amount of good by showing how affectionate, trainable and just downright lovely many rescue dogs are. You can read what I wrote about the first series here There will be a few changes though, as this time the show is on Living TV, and the presenters and judges are different. It should still be a cracking watch though. You can read more about it here

Happy viewing!
