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Obama's dog

Finally an election issue I can really get my teeth into! Which dog breed should the Obama family choose? The American Kennel Club has advice for the family on their website. ( )
You can visit and vote for the breed you feel is the best candidate. Choices are Bichon Frise, Chinese Crested, Poodle, Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier and Miniature Schnauzer.
However you may want to give your support to the Best Friends Society ( ) who have an online petition to try to inspire the Obamas to adopt a rescue dog.
Whichever way the Obamas get a new canine member of the family, don’t be surprised if it’s a Goldendoodle, which is apparently Barack’s personal favourite.

Take care,


Hi Julie, Thanks so much for

Hi Julie,
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. The potty training is going super fantastic by the way (I'll post more on it later.) Mr. B is doing well. We've been giving him tons more attention and he's like a new dog.
Cheers to you too,
Ginger (Lovemydox)