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A dog you should check out

I recently interviewed J.F. Englert author of "A Dog About Town". In the novel Harry and his "plump, poetry loving" dog are confronted by loss, and dangers of all kinds, but gamely rise to the challenge and solve a murder mystery - thanks in no small part to the aforementioned dog!
The interview will be in episode 66 of DogCast Radio, and it was a great pleasure to finally talk to J.F. I thoroughly enjoyed his first book, and I was very interested in finding out what the inspiration was for Randolph, the highly intelligent canine narrator of the books.
Randolph is a Labrador, which of course endears him to me, but he is certainly a dog with a difference. He is blessed with an amazing intellect, and his reading matter is far higher brow than mine! He is a charming character, and he even writes his own blog, which you can find at I just received my copy of "A Dog Among Diplomats", the second book in the Bull Moose Run Mystery series, and I can't wait to see what Randolph and his owner Harry get up to this time. I'm off to settle down for a good read.