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Sheepdog worrying

Sheepdog waiting

Are you a worrier? I am. I can worry about anything. One of the things I had been worrying about was a local sheepdog.

Many of the dogs in my rural part of the country are working sheepdogs, and they seem to be allowed a great degree of freedom. I worry about how much freedom they are given, as it always strikes me that they might very well run into the road and be injured. I also worry that they might very well run into the road and attack Buddy or Star as we walk past. Mainly though, they know their boundaries and stick to watching my car drive by, or to just barking at me and my dogs.

The specific dog I had been particularly worried about was always at his or her post leaning against an outhouse making sure the traffic went about its business without straying onto his property. He became a friendly site as I drove along, reminding me that I was almost home. Then suddenly he disappeared. Every time I passed I looked for him but he wasn't there for months and months. I assumed the worst, but every time I drove that way I looked, and I worried.

Now he's back - yay, I can stop worrying! He just reappeared. I was so pleased I took a quick photo. (I did pull over first!) He watched me in his usual calm but alert manner, showing no inclination to be friendly or defensive. Who knows where he was all that time? Maybe the weather was just too cold, maybe he was busy with the farm sheep, or maybe he just had something better to do. Whatever it was, I’m just glad he’s okay.