Are you a worrier? I am. I can worry about anything. One of the things I had been worrying about was a local sheepdog.
Many of the dogs in my rural part of the country are working sheepdogs, and they seem to be allowed a great degree of freedom. I worry about how much freedom they are given, as it always strikes me that they might very well run into the road and be injured. I also worry that they might very well run into the road and attack Buddy or Star as we walk past. Mainly though, they know their boundaries and stick to watching my car drive by, or to just barking at me and my dogs.
Last night Buddy and I started a Bronze Good Citizenship Dog Scheme course of lessons.
The scheme is run by the Kennel Club and promotes responsible dog ownership. Not only do you have to train your dog to do certain tasks, but you as the owner have to know certain things. One of the most important of these to me is that you have to demonstrate that you are carrying some form of poop scoop.
We recently visited expert dog trainer, shepherd, artist, illustrator and retired vicar Graeme Sims. ( ) His latest book is The Dog Whisperer How to Train Your Dog Using its Own Language, which allows readers to access Graeme’s gentle but effective dog training methods.
Gromit and Julie Click photo for larger image and details |
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Just like the DogCast Radio show, the blog will be all about dogs. I'll be featuring dog related news, books, products, and of course observations. I can also give you advance insight into what will be in the show.