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The DogCast Radio blog

Kate and Gin

Kate and Gin
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Buddy and I entered a heelwork to music competition at a companion dog show recently. I was thrilled – but nervous - to learn that Kate Nicholas, of Kate and Gin, would be judging the competition. They would also be putting on a display of their own doggy dancing too, and I was greatly looking forward to that.

Pedigree dogs petition

I've just checked out Beverley Cuddy's blog and found a request to let as many people know as possible about the petition she has organised on the Prime Minister's website.

Irrespective of any “politics” involved, it does seem to me that the petition makes sense. Whatever the true figure is, dogs are suffering and bad breeding practice is going on. The Kennel Club has repeatedly pointed out that they lack any legal power to enforce health tests. This petition sets out to give them that power.

Below you will find a message from Beverley along with where to sign the petition.

Sign up for change for the better

If in the wake of the BBC documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed, you would like to express your desire to see change at the British Kennel Clubs, there are a number of petitions you could sign.

Vet Joe Inglis has set up a petition here the aim of which is that “The Kennel Club will ban extreme inbreeding such as brother to sister matings, and enforce strict codes of conduct for all breeds, to ensure animal welfare is the number one priority.”

Ted Kerasote

We have just enjoyed a weekend with Ted Kerasote, author of Merle’s Door. I have mentioned Ted and his wonderful book before in this blog but I make no apology for mentioning it again.

Scotland the great holiday destination (and trouble at home)

We have just returned from a brilliant holiday in Scotland – a peaceful isolated dog-friendly cottage, Loch Ness just minutes away, beautiful scenery and lots to do,; who could ask for more? We loved it and so did Buddy and Star.

We stayed at Rowan Cottage ( and our host Janet made us feel very welcome indeed. The dogs accompanied us on a gondola trip up the Glen Nevis range near Fort William (, as well as enjoying a boat trip on Loch Ness (

The dangers of dog training

I was fleeced!
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Dog training can be rife with dangers. The dog can misbehave, you can have an off day, it can pour down with rain, you can be held up by a sheep on the way home. Yes, you heard right – you can be held up by a sheep on the way home, and it happened to me the other day.

It is a delightful drive to my agility trainer’s home, the scenery is breathtaking. Buddy and I had completed a session, and I was feeling that we were progressing nicely. We were on the way home, windows down, music playing, not a care in the world. Then the sheep appeared.

Underdogs and Greatest Dogs

There are some great TV treats for dog lovers. America’s Greatest Dog on CBS in America is absolutely fascinating. The contestants and their dogs, who are from a variety of backgrounds, live together for the duration of the show. There is the constant danger of being relegated to the dog house, and the promise of winning time in the luxury accommodation.

Judging by appearances

My interest is Peked
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The other day I met a friend’s dog, Delby. He’s a beautiful Pekingese, and he was so sweet trotting along. Having enquired whether he would welcome the attention, I called to him and held my hand towards him. Far from the snooty aloof response I expected, he scampered over happily, fur ruffling with each movement. He sniffed my hand and was quite happy to be fussed.

DogCast Radio Episode 70

Cold Wet Nose Show
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Episode 70 of DogCast Radio is now available, so you can catch up with some of the people we met at the Cold Wet Nose Show. The day was such fun, for both us and the dogs. I only have one regret from the day – we left the VIP tent just before Chris Evans ( arrived, and returned just after he had left. Aaargh!

AB 1634

AB 1634 is a bill in California that has been brought to my attention by Bichon Frise breeder, Matthew Culmore. ( This legislation seeks to force owners to spay or neuter their dogs by the age of six months. While I can understand the dreadful suffering that motivates the bill, it seems there are many problems with such harsh measures.