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So we know we have to scoop the poop, but what should we do with it then? And how can you perform the whole task in an environmentally friendly way? Muksak (love the name!) has some ideas:

Answering the call of nature with muksak at Paw-things

I am my dog's Mom

I was listening to the British comedian Alan Davies telling a story about his Alsatian dog, and I noticed that he spoke of the dog as referring to him as Alan rather than Dad. This is something that becomes apparent about dog owners once you've been around them a while - some refer to themselves as their dog's mom or dad, others imagine the dog using their Christian name. I don't think there's anything wrong with either one, but I don't actually think that's how our dogs relate to us.

The SOFA club

The SOFA club.
Click on photo for larger image.

Sue Cole is a teacher at at a school in Norwich. She's also the leader of the SOFA Club, which is running a Dog Microchipping Campaign. Their aim is for all dogs to have to be microchipped by law, and I have to say I support the idea. A microchip is the best way to identify your dog, and gives you the best chance of being reunited with him if he is lost or stolen. I also think it will encourage more responsible ownership in a variety of ways.

If you agree and would like to support the SOFA club's efforts, you can sign their petition. I'm hoping to catch

Episode 83 of DogCast Radio now available

Episode 83 of DogCast Radio is now available, and has some really interesting content.

Jerrie Wolfe of Rose Croft has some intriguing thoughts about raising puppies with great temperaments. She talks about show allows her dogs space to behave naturally, and how this contributes to the emotional health and development of her gorgeous Cairn Terriers. At her website you can read her article outlining her approach in more detail.

Charlize Theron and the fundamental unfairness of life

I'm fed up again. I walk my dogs every day, and I scoop every single poop, so that's several scoopings daily, and has the media ever featured me and recommended me as a responsible dog owner?

Speaking for Spot - great new book

Rescue Rotties treated by Nancy Kay.
Click on photo for larger image.

I recently interviewed vet and author Nancy Kay about her book Speaking for Spot: Be the Advocate Your Dog Needs to Live a Happy, Healthy, Longer Life. This is a terrific book with lots of information dog owners will find useful. There are issues for you to consider, advice on how to approach visits to the vet, and a fascinating chapter on the latest treatments available for pets. After talking to Nancy, I wish she was my vet. (If my vet is reading this, you're great too.)

Bella Moss Foundation at Crufts

The Bella Moss Foundation.
Click on photo for larger image.

The Bella Moss Foundation support pet owners affected by MRSA and other serious infections. Bella Moss's story is incredibly touching, as told by Jill Moss, who loved and lost her beautiful dog to MRSA. You can hear her tell their moving experiences in Episode 58 of DogCast Radio.
That episode also has excellent advice about avoiding MRSA from Dr Harley Farmer. Harley manages to take the panic out of the situation, and leaves you knowing that three are many steps you can take to protect your pet and yourself.

And the winner is......

Just noticed an article on the American Humane Association website, singling out films that feature animals.
It's a salute to those films who earned the Association's ‘No Animals Were Harmed’® End Credit. Much more interesting than all the analysing that goes on about who wore what at the real Oscars.

CAPS win a battle

Here's some news from CAPS, which is the Companion Animal Protection Society. I interviewed the founder of the society Deborah Howard, which you can hear in Episode 57 of DogCast Radio. I love what the society stands for, and I love the fact that it was the experience and vision of one individual - Deborah - that started it all. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that "just one person" can't make a difference!

First-aid first-of-its-kind event

Would you know what to do if your dog had a medical emergency? Apparently April is National Pet First-Aid Awareness Month in the US, and I've been contacted by Denise Fleck, an
Instructor/Free-lance Writer at
SUNNY-DOG INK who runs pet first aid classes. Now she is organising a huge CPR event to educate pet owners. You can find out a lot more about the event, classes on offer, and Denise herself at her website. Sounds like a good idea - just too far for me to travel!