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The DogCast Radio blog

Help for hounds with hay fever

I was not aware that dogs could suffer from hay fever. Our Bichon, Star does have sneezing fit from time to time, but it's not pollen related. Having said that dogs do get allergies, which I suppose is what hay fever is. If you need help with your dog's hay fever this press release might interest you:

Yumega prevents Hayfever in dogs

Dogs are just as susceptible to hay fever as humans, but many dog owners do not recognise the signs of a seasonal allergy in their pets.

Strange dogs and unseen dangers

What breed are you then?

What breed are you then?
Click on photo for larger image.

Friends of ours have a pet lamb. He was an orphan, and they fancied having a pet sheep, so it worked out well for them both. He's called Shadow and he's very tame, to the point where quite dog-like he enjoys a fuss! Also dog-like he goes for a walk an a lead. He doesn't wear a collar, he has a harness, but it didn't stop Buddy and Star mistaking him for a fellow canine.

They were both very eager to get to him, although Shadow was not as eager to get to them. He was happy to have them nearby, but he had no desire to come nose to nose with either of them. Buddy was

A horrible crime and a glimmer of hope

A headline in the newspaper really surprised me recently - Murder probe... over dog found dumped in its owners' pool. Really? Murder inquiry over a dog?

Thanks for nothing

If you've followed this blog you may remember an appeal I wrote about to help get a Newfoundland dog called Bilbo reinstated to his work as a lifeguard on a Cornwall beach. You can read the full blog post here. The good news is that the Government have responded to the petition that was raised to support poor Bilbo.

This is the Government's response which can be seen in full here:

Dogs are animals too

World Animal Day is 4th October. It may seem a long way off now, but it'll be here before you know it. So plan ahead and consider how you could be part of the celebration. Here's an email I had on the subject:


Dear Friends

A great excuse for a new handbag

Not your usual doggy bags.

Not your usual doggy bags.
Click on photo for larger image.

Latest news from CAPS:

Handbags Are a Dog's Best Friend

Luna Boston Hosts a Pet Fête to the Benefit Companion Animal Protection Society

(Boston, MA) -   Tails are sure to wag on Friday, June 12th as Luna Boston hosts “Doggies + Bags,” a special benefit party for the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS).

Canine communication (or dogs are really weird)

Last night Buddy and I were first to arrive at the training class, and were sitting there patiently,minding our own business, when a chocolate Labrador burst through the door, and barrelled over to say hello. I always think that being so sturdily built, it's as well that Labs are such a thoroughly friendly breed, but I reckon one at full tilt could still do you some damage! So the chocolate Lab reached us, and hurled himself over onto his back, at which point Buddy approached to check him out with a thorough sniffing.

If you can't stand the heat...go to the beach

Is it cool enough to come out yet?
Click on photo for larger image.

The forecast was finally for a warm weekend, so we headed for the beach. It turned out to be so hot that we had to find shade for the dogs. They loved it down at the water's edge where the sea was cooling and there was a delicious breeze, but back up the beach, they sat happily in the shade, peeping out from time to time to see if it was time to go for another paddle.

How to get all dog owners banned from the beach

We had a wonderful day at the beach today. We had fun, the dogs had fun, and we made sure that the dogs didn't stop anyone else having fun. That may sound an odd thing to say, but I love being able to take Buddy and Star with us on a day out. They both adore the beach - having a paddle, enjoying a dig in the sand and so on. I am convinced that if dog owners allow their dogs to spoil the good time others are trying to have we will be banned from more and more places.

A guest post from Jenny

Today is a "guest appearance" in the blog, with a post by Jenny.