I heard from Ted Kerasote, author of Merle's Door yesterday. If you haven't read Merle's Door yet you have missed out on probably the best dog book in the world. You can hear an interview with Ted about his book in Episode 64 of DogCast Radio. It is an interweaving of Merle's biography with fascinating research, all permeated by the love story of Ted and Merle.
I've just read an article entitled Jessica Simpson to replace dead dog. It's an emotive headline isn't it?
Will you be watching?
Sometimes you come across a story that makes your blood run cold, and the one below did just that to me. This is an appalling case, and is a shocking example of the scant regard some people hold dogs in, as well as an owner's love for her dog. It's bad enough to lose a dog however it happens, but it was in a possibly avoidable way, it's ten times as bad. I wish Melanie Hawes and her family lots of strength as they try to come to terms with the loss of Sam in these horrible circumstances.
Metropolitan Police Mistake Kills Family Pet:
There are headlines around about Cheryl Cole at the moment saying that she only trusts her mother and her dogs. Her husband is conspicuous by his absence from that list, and it's grabbed her a lot of media attention, so I guess she's happy with that. But it initially struck me as very sad.
Even though Rufus still has his looks, the very successful show dog has moved on to work making use of his other talents. Here's more info:
Renowned champion Rufus, the colored bull terrier, named national dog show CANINE ambassador
Retired ’05 winner, now a therapy dog,
to meet and greet in philly
I've been really busy on a variety of things lately, but I've managed to fit in two interviews which included my favourite thing - meeting dogs! And people of course!
News about Puppy Farm Awareness Day:
Celebrities and DOG LOVERS SUPPORT Puppy Farm Awareness Day 2009
Puppy owners and dog loving celebrities turned out in force to support Thepet.net and the Kennel Club puppy parties on Saturday 19th September, which were held to support Puppy Farm Awareness Day 2009.
Back in January this year Jacob went missing. His owners have done everything they can to find him, yet there is still no concrete trace of him. Someone must have him somewhere - quite possibly someone completely unaware of who he is. But since Jacob is microchipped it should be easy to reunite him with his family, who are missing him dreafully. Here's an email I received today about Jacob:
I am contacting you today for your help.
Please help us by looking at Jacob's missing poster attached, he is a rare breed Bracco Italiano, a highly distinguishable dog that could have been advertised in your local paper for sale or offered for rehoming.