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Do you fancy bamboozling your dog?

Do you have a super smart dog, or one who needs extra distraction when left alone? Well here's news that might interest you:

Company of Animals premieres the world’s most eco-friendly dog toy at Crufts
Dogs in the UK are looking forward to being Bamboozled when Company of Animals premieres the world’s most eco-friendly dog toy at Crufts.

Roger Mugford offering priceless advice free at Crufts

Dr Roger Mugford and canine friend.
Click on photo for larger image.

Crufts is only days away, and there's always lots of great doggy people in attendance. Dr Roger Mugford will be one of them, and you can hear an interview with him in Episode 48 of DogCast Radio.             


‘Founding Father’ of pet behaviour therapy,
Dr Roger Mugford, shares his expertise with Crufts visitors

Top animal psychologist, Dr Roger Mugford, will once again be offering free advice to         visitors on the Company of Animals’ stand at Crufts on any aspect of canine behaviour.

Hachiko: A Dog's Story

Can you sponsor James?

James with a walking companion.
Click on photo for larger image.

Someone who is going to be busy raising money for charity os James Hewitt who is doing a sponsored walkies-athon! Here are the details:



Darlington dog lover James Hewitt is planning to raise money for his local Dogs Trust rehoming centre by going for the ultimate walkies next month.

Buddy's hobbies

Buddy's favourite position!
Click on photo for larger image.

Life has been very busy the last few weeks, and one of the things keeping Buddy and me busy has been rehearsing with the Safe and Sound team, getting ready for Crufts. Safe and Sound is an excellent scheme run by the Kennel Club to promote the correct and safe way to behave around dogs. We will part of the Safe and Sound displays in the main arena at Crufts on the Saturday and Sunday of the show.

Could your dog be the most eccentric looking dog in the UK?

Does your dog have a look all of his own? Does he attract attention for his appearance? If so maybe he could win himself and you some goodies:


Forget Vivienne Westwood and Kate Moss, it’s Hawkshead country clothing retailer that’s causing a stir in the British fashion world, canine that is, as a nationwide search launches to find this season’s most fashionable and eccentric pooch.

What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

Here's a nice idea from Dogs Trust:

Sponsor a Dogs Trust rescue dog this Valentine’s Day

Faithful, really cute and remembers to send you a Valentine’s card. No, it’s not your knight in shining armour, but a Dogs Trust sponsor dog looking for the perfect partner this February 14th.

Would Aled Jones sing about this?

Buddy, Star and the snowman.
Click on photo for larger image.

The snow seems like a distant memory now, but when it was here Buddy and Star had an encounter with a snowman. Just as they had got used to the field across the lane from us being covered in cold wet white stuff, the local children built a snowman. This was something new, an odd development in a usually flat area, and had to be carefully approached. It was interesting to watch their reactions.

They both noticed it as soon as we entered the field, and there was a slight stiffening in both their body language.

Partially blind and deaf puppy needs a loving home

p>I've just received the email below from Dogs Trust. If anyone could offer Ivy a home the contact information is at the bottom of the text. What a poor little pup - hope she finds someone special to love her. Here's the email:

Staff at Dogs Trust Darlington, Co Durham, have launched an urgent appeal to dog lovers in the North East to foster a beautiful, partially blind and deaf puppy in their care.

Ivy, a white Whippet cross, was born at the rehoming centre in October. While the three month old pup’s six siblings have found homes, little Ivy was not so lucky.

The perils of working with dogs

I went to a training session of the Carry Ons Flyball Team yesterday to research for an article and get some interviews for DogCast Radio. It was fascinating and a lot of fun and I'm grateful to the team to having us there. One thing I noticed was how excited the dogs get when a race is on - the noise level went through the roof, but as soon as the race was over peace descended again. And those dogs are so fast. They race in faster and slower teams, but the difference between them is only around a couple of seconds.