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Amazing slow motion dog video

This video is amazing. I love the way the fur ruffles, the toes wobble and all the other details you get to see that are normally too fast for the eye to see. Enjoy!

Paw it forward with Ricochet

This is a wonderful idea. If you can read through your tears after that video here's the press release from PawInspired:



Day four of Crufts - Buddy in the limelight

Buddy and co in the Crufts 2010 main arena.
Click on photo for larger image.

I love this photo of Buddy and some of the Safe and Sound team in the main arena at Crufts 2010. He had to stay in the car while the children moved around him and the commentator warned the audience about the dangers of teasing dogs in cars. Although he did in deed stay in the car, he longed to get out and join in the fun, and he kept flashing me that reproachful expression, clearly asking, "Can I go and play now?"

It was great fun and a wonderful message to help publicise.

Take care,

Julie x

Reporting, clowning and advertising at Crufts

Buddy is part of the press pack.
Click on photo for larger image.

Today Buddy's been been out and about at Crufts as part of the Well Balanced Pup Press Pack. Well if anyone can sniff out a story he can! Buddy's main aim in any crowd is to meet and befriend as many people as possible, and went about that today too. We visited the Discover Dogs section of Crufts, where Buddy was convinced that what everyone really wanted was to meet a Labrador, rather than whatever breed we found ourselves near.


Today was also our first time in the main arena as part of the Safe and Sound team. This is headed by Carole

Hatch's story

Buddy attracting attention to The Blue Cross stand.
Click on photo for larger image.

Here's the press release and some photos about Hatch, the only female on Henry VIII's flagship The Mary Rose:

Tudor Mongrel Steals the Show at

DFS Crufts 2010

- DFS Crufts Hosts Mary Rose Dog Before She Returns Home After Nearly
500 Years -

A 16th century sea dog, the only female crew member aboard Henry VIII’s flagship the Mary Rose, has taken pride of place at DFS Crufts this year as special guest of the Kennel Club.

Buddy enjoyed Crufts day two

Buddy attracting attention to The Blue Cross stand.
Click on photo for larger image.

It was day two of Crufts today and while the terriers and hound fought it out in the show ring, Buddy and I spent some time on The Blue Cross stand. The Blue Cross is an animal charity and here's what they say about their role:

The Blue Cross mission: Provide care, promote companionship, enhance animal and human lives

The Blue Cross is a registered UK animal welfare charity. Our aims are to:

Some doggy mothers looking for new homes

Click on photo for larger image.

p>On Mothers Day, spare a thought for some doggy mothers who need forever homes:


Devoted doggy-mums are in need of paw-fect homes


On Sunday 14th March mums across the country will be eagerly awaiting cards, gifts and flowers; sadly no one will be sending tokens of love to these three doggy-mums.

What we got up to on day one of Crufts

It's the first day of Crufts today and as I trawled through the press releases on offer in the press room, some of them jumped out at me.

A celebration of rare breeds

Crufts is a celebration of all things doggy, including rare British breeds. If you're looking for a dog to suit you, maybe a "vulnerable" breed could be just what you're looking for? Here's the press release from British Heritage Dog Breeds:

CRUFTS 2010 – It’s cool to be British!

Forget all those fancy and exotic foreign dog breeds. The message is clear: "if you want to be cool, get a British or Irish dog breed and preferably one of the really really rare ones which are in danger of disappearing".

Injections and inter-species communication - food for thought

A couple of headlines caught my head in the newspaper I bought on Saturday. One was Vaccines 'are making our dogs sick as vets cash in' and featured quotes from Catherine O'Driscoll of Canine Health Concern. I interviewed Catherine for Episode 96 of DogCast Radio, and I know her worries come from her experiences with her own dogs.