When I uploaded this picture of Star it was just because I thought it would accompany a blog post about how she makes herself comfortable and hogs the best seats in the house. However, since I uploaded she has somehow injured herself, so the photo is accompanying a blog post about that instead.
We walked both dogs on some forestry land on Tuesday evening and they both got excited about some exceptionally muddy water they had found. Both dogs raced around, full of the sheer joy of being alive - and being up to the armpits in muddy water. Star
A few days after I saw the three dogs tethered outside a shop, I spotted these two. This looked a much happier situation. I love the silent companionableness between the child and the dog. I love the domestic detritus on the windowsill, and I just love the way they are not doing anything in particular, just watching the world go by.
I hope they are are great company for each other, and I know the child will learn so much growing up with a
I always feel sad and anxious when I see dogs left outside shops like this, which I imagine is pretty much how the dogs themselves feel. I spotted this trio while out shopping and watched them for at least five minutes before I had to move on. Their owner was nowhere to be seen. I did check on them later and they had been collected, but they should never have been left in the first place. Our dogs would never leave us in this fashion, and they deserve better treatment than this.
As you can see in the picture one dog's lead has got caught under another dog's stomach, and I would be
Be Lungworm Aware with Vet Joe Inglis
Watch this Web TV show to learn how to recognise the signs of a potentially fatal threat to your dog
Show date: Monday 12th April
Show time: 10:30am
A host of fabulous celebrities have now been confirmed as judges for this year’s doggy extravaganza the Dogs Trust Honours. Organiser Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, is proud to announce the involvement of five canine crazy celebrities and their furry four legged friends including:
I got into conversation yesterday with a chap who declared himself a fervent dog lover. His enthusiasm for dogs was apparently only equaled by his dislike of cats. He had lived with both cats and dogs and could not see the point of cats, but a dog was your mate he opined. Then he said that the main reason he couldn't take to cats was that they only attached to humans to get food, and would be just as happy to be fed by somebody else.
Lots of ideas around at the moment as to what would improve the lives of dogs - compulsory microchipping and so on. Here's Dog Trust's response to the proposal to re-introduce the dog licence:
Dogs Trust response on the proposal to re-introduce the dog licence
Just had an interesting email including the following:
I sometimes wonder how Buddy feels about having to spend so much of his life waiting. He wakes up firing on all cylinders and ready to seize the day, but has to wait for me to come round, which usually involves ingesting sufficient caffeine. He dances about me in the kitchen waiting to be fed his breakfast. Then he has to wait for me to get some work done before we go for a walk, and of course if I co out he ends up waiting at home for my return.
Jill Moss started the Bella Moss Foundation after she lost her own beloved dog Bella to MRSA. You can hear her tell her moving story in Episode 58 of DogCast Radio, and you can catch up with her progress in Episode 91. Jill is there to offer support to owners whose pets are affected by MRSA or other serious infections when they most need it. SHe also works tirelessly to raise awareness of MRSA and to educate the public about it.