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The DogCast Radio blog

Maxine gets help from Sarah Hodgson

The Westminster Dog of the Year Competition 2010

Next week on Tuesday 2nd November it will be the Westminster Dog of the Year Competition 2010. I will avoid any puns about politics being a dog eat dog world and so on and simply leave you in peace to read the following information:
If a week is a long time in politics, just imagine how long it is in dog years… 

Star's weekend

Star in contemplative mood at the beach.
Click on photo for larger image.

I meant to post these pictures of Star's weekend last week, but other subjects came up (like poor Lennox) that were more pressing so Star got bumped to this week, but I'm sure she understands. Last weekend the forecast was for the last weather resembling anything like summery so we decided to make the most of. On Saturday we headed for the beach. Both our dogs love the beach, but for different reasons. Buddy loves to chase a ball across the sand and then cool off with a paddle. Star loves to dig for all she's worth and then sit and contemplate life. I managed to capture her doing just that in the first picture here, and it's one of my favourite shots of her. She can be a little monkey, but she does have a serious side.

Please help re-unite Lennox with his heartbroken family

The very sad case of Lennox was brought to my attention, and I wanted to share it with DogCast Radio listeners. You can support the Save Lennox campaign on Twitter and on Facebook and to find out more about how you can help Lennox visit his website where you can read his story:

Helping dogs caught in the Hungary toxic spill

Rescuing a dog.
Click on photo for larger image.

Animal welfare charities unite to help creature casualties of Hungary’s toxic spill

Several UK animal welfare charities have joined forces this week to help domestic animals and livestock affected by the devastating toxic spill in Hungary.

WSPA, Dogs Trust, RSPCA International and the Worldwide Veterinary Service are sending vital veterinary equipment to help a Hungarian animal welfare charity, Rex Animal Island, in its desperate bid to rescue the hundreds of poisoned and injured dogs, cats, livestock and wildlife.


Another message of hope and perseverance inspired by Ricochet the surfing dog:


The Bella Moss Foundation saddened at the death of Claire Rayner

A statement from the Bella Moss Foundation on the death of Claire Rayner:
The Bella Moss Foundation is saddened to hear of the death of its first Honorary Patron, Claire Rayner.

Ted Kerasote and Pukka - latest news

Ted and Pukka.
Click on photo for larger image.

I loved Ted Kerasote's Merle's Door, and can't wait to get my hands on his new book, Pukka: The Pup After Merle. There's not long to wait now and here's some news from Ted and Pukka:

Pukka: The Pup After Merle will be available at all book dealers on October 27, 2010.

In the meantime you can watch a short video of Pukka’s adventures, “Pukka’s Summer,” on my website and on YouTube.

I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to meeting you


One of the dogs on the walk.
Click on photo for larger image.


Dogs Trust thrilled by support for fundraising events


Despite terrible downpours across the UK on Sunday 3rd October, nearly 2000 people supported 10 Waggy Walk events that took place all over the country. Wet but not downhearted, these hardy dog lovers - many with their four legged friends - completed the walks and raised vital funds for Dogs Trust.