Would you like to be part of a record attempt? Here's the info you need:
Call for South West dogs and their owners to join in amazing ‘Super Stay’
Dog owners and their canine companions from across the South West are being encouraged to join in the ‘Super Stay’ at Dogs Trust Salisbury’s Open Day on Sunday 7th August.
I had a very interesting email from a lady called Amanda who tried to take her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy into a supermarket and was dismayed to be turned away. In an interesting turn of events King Charles II passed a law stating that the Spaniels named after him should be allowed access anywhere in the land including the House of Parliament. This law has never been repealed.
A long time friend of the show Nancy Kay has received the Leo Bustad Companion Animal Veterinarian of the
I've been contacted by Patricia who is passionate about campaigning against puppy farming. If you would like to support her fight, and find out more about the plight of dogs and puppies caught up in this unscrupulous industry, visit her blog, Puppy Trafficking.
The best of luck to her! Puppy farming has no place in the breeding of well-balanced, healthy, happy dogs - and while we're at it dogs don't belong in shops. At least not if they're for sale.
Take care,
Latest news from Surfice dog Ricochet. To hear Judy tell the inspiring story of how her dog Ricochet became the rising canine star and fund-raiser she is in Episode 118 of DogCast Radio. Here's how you can help Ricochet raise money to fight canine cancer:
HERO DOG AWARDS - Please vote for Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog!
If you're in the UK and you're passionate about animals, check out the Pet Education Trust (PET):
If you have a Greyhound, or you're a fan of Greyhounds, or you'd like to find out more about them the following will be of interest to you. Personally I think Greyhounds are a lovely, laidback breed and there are so many myths about them than stop them finding the loving homes they deserve. Here's some more information:
Sunday 26th June 2011
The Great British Greyhound Walk 2011- coming to a park near you!
I was invited onto the Radio 5 breakfast show this morning to discuss whether dogs should be sleeping on their owner's bed. This is the second time I've been asked on to talk about this issue, and it's one that rumbles around and erupts into the news every so often. Interestingly, the latest survey in the UK has found that almost double the amount of dog owners in Scotland share their bed with a pet than the rest of us further south, and I think it's possibly because the weather up there is slightly cooler.
If you're in the Shropshire, UK, area the following may well be of interest to you:
At the RSPCA Gonsal Farm, Dorrington, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
SY5 7ET.
17 July 2011
Car Boot Sale. Gonsal Show Field. Gates open at 0830.
Micro - chipping service available for dogs and cats £15,( includes administration fee).
Centre open to public at 11am
04 Sept 2011
We've had some lovely long weekends during May thanks to Easter, May Day and the royal wedding, and we've made the most of it, getting out and about with our dogs. Thinking back over May they've had some very different experiences. We've all climbed to the top of the Stiperstones, where the air is clear and the view breath-taking, but we've also gone underground. When we visited the Snailbeach Mine, I had no idea they would be so dog friendly, but they assured us that as long as the dogs were happy, they were welcome to accompany us into the mine.
So off we set - Buddy and Star trotting along beside us,