If you have a talented dog and you fancy being on television, then ITV has just the opportunity you're looking for!
ITV are on the lookout for the best dogs at heelwork to music, tricks and agility in Britain to take part in a one-off Christmas special! Get your skates on because auditions will be on 29th and 30th of October in London, and then filming of the show will be at the end of November.
The Ark is a place for dog and cat grooming, animal photography, behaviour and training advice, memorial area, bereavement services and more. It's in Perth in Scotland, and this Saturday The Ark is having a charity dog wash to raise money for Canine Partners. You can have your dog professionally bathed at £6 for small dogs and £8 for large ones and all money goes to the charity. Also, 10% of bookings made on the day for full grooming, photography or behaviour sessions will go to Canine Partners.
Autumn can be a difficult time for dogs - the days get shorter, and in the U.K. we have Fireworks Night with loud noises that many dogs find scary. Battersea Dogs and Cats Home would like your help to supply their dogs with rawhide bones to distract them from the fireworks, and they have advice for you too.
Dig up a bone for a homeless hound this Fireworks’ Night
For those of us in the U.K., the clocks go back next weekend, so our evenings will be darker earlier meaning less time for dog walking in the light. How do you cope with less daylight to exercise your dog? If you have to walk in the dark, what great gadgets or safety devices have you found to help keep you safe and make your dog visible?
Here's some timely advice from Dogs Trust:
If, like us, you've been enjoying the ITV series, Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs, you'll probably be happy to know that Paul could withstand the temptation no longer, and finally gave in and adopted a puppy from the shelter. Here's the latest news from Battersea:
Puppy love for Paul O’Grady as he is announced as a Battersea Ambassador
Young dogs to feel the benefit of best-selling Yumove supplement
The company behind Yumove, the leading natural triple action mobility supplement for dogs, has launched a new version aimed specifically at young and active dogs. Lintbells, which has seen demand for Yumove soar since the product was launched three years ago, has studied the needs of younger dogs, and especially those that participate in flyball and agility, to develop Yumove Young & Active specifically for them.
Graeme Sims has a new website, The Graeme Sims Method - and dog lovers in Italy are in for a treat, as it's a bi-lingual website. Now not only English speakers can discover Graeme's wonderful life story, his love of dogs and his training methods. I've met Graeme many times and he is always delightful company, full of insights into dogs' minds, and never short of an amusing or thought-provoking anecdote. I will never forget watching him work nine sheepdogs simultaneously, it was amazing.
I love discovering new products that my dogs might enjoy
, so when I came across Stagbars I was intrigued. Stagbars are stag antlers that are made into dog chews - obviously you don't give your dog the whole antler, they are cut into size appropriate chunks and sold by weight. Stags grow new antlers every season, and shed their old ones, so this is a very environmentally friendly business, which uses basically a waste product and turns it to good use. Sounds good so far, the only question left was would my dogs be as enthusiastic as I was?
Dog law delays are unacceptable claim RSPCA
Public pressure is key to lobbying Government department
The continued persecution of dogs based on their physical appearance is unacceptable and the law needs to change, the RSPCA says.
Britain’s biggest animal welfare charity claims the Government is dragging its heels over promises to reform dog control legislation – despite nearly nine out of 10 people arguing that the current law doesn’t protect the public effectively.*
New York, Milan, Paris… Battersea
High fashion for abandoned dogs as top designers dress Battersea’s finest
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is officially the new stop on the fashion circuit, so prepare for Westies in Westwood, Dachschunds in Deacon, and Staffies in Stella. The world’s top designers are swapping the catwalk for the dogwalk for one night only to help unwanted and abandoned dogs stride out in spectacular style for a truly unforgettable and never been seen before fashion event.