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New owners bowled over by Cricket the Battersea Chihuahua

Four year old tiny Cricket the nervous Chihuahua has finally overcome his fears and found a loving home of his own just in time for a summer of runs with the Ashes cricket series.

Cricket was so nervous of new people and new situations when he came into Battersea that staff at the Brands Hatch centre were worried he wouldn’t come out of his shell and find his perfect match.

But after nearly a month in the Kent rescue centre, Cricket had a visit from Ellis and Jacqueline Howe from Peterborough who were instantly bowled over by his looks and character, wanting to take him home immediately to join their family and fellow Chihuahua Max.

Jacqueline Howe said: “We were desperate for another rescue dog and our two year old Chihuahua Max really needed some canine company. As soon as we saw Cricket we fell in love with him and he is settling into our home in Peterborough really well. He’s such a gentle fella that is no trouble at all and has already become great friends with Max, following him around and sharing his bed. We would always recommend getting a dog from a rescue centre as you know for certain what you are getting and Battersea will always remain in contact with you for any future advice and support you may need.”

Michelle Bevan, Rehoming and Welfare Manager of Battersea Brands Hatch, said: “We are so happy Cricket has gone to a loving home with the Howe family, this time of year can be particularly busy for animals coming into our centre but can prove a difficult and quiet period for them leaving to find their forever home for lots of reasons such as people being away for the summer holidays.”

The residents of Battersea Brands Hatch will be the main attraction at a week of summer events planned for later this month. The rescue centre is inviting people to celebrate another year of finding homes for Battersea animals in the heart of the beautiful Kent countryside. The week promises to be a spectacular family event with lots of activities including a kids fun day, dog training and agility demonstrations, a nature trail where guests will be given behind the scenes access to the centre and plenty of opportunities to meet some captivating countryside cats and canines.

If you think that you could offer a rescue dog a second chance with the forever home they deserve please contact 0843 509 4444 or visit