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It's National Pet Month

This nationwide pet celebration gets underway this Wednesday (April 1) and runs until May 4, encouraging responsible pet ownership and helping to raise thousands of pounds for UK pet charities.

Now in its 26th year, National Pet Month has chosen the theme of Pets and the Elderly: enjoying later years together and will shine a light on the positive impact pets have on the elderly as well as highlighting the need for forever homes for older pets.

“We are absolutely thrilled that this Wednesday (April 1) sees the start of National Pet Month – a fantastic opportunity for UK pet fans and pet care professionals to join together to promote responsible pet care and raise money for UK pet charities,” says Chairman Michael Bellingham.
“This country’s charities do an amazing job of looking after animals in need and we would urge UK pet fans to help these wonderful organisations by either attending or organising a fundraising event for them during National Pet Month. This simple act could enable them to raise funds for their vital work.”

National Pet Month’s 2015 theme provides the chance to highlight the positive impact pets can have on older members of our community.
Michael continues: “Pets can have a really transformative effect, helping to reduce blood pressure and stress by improving social lives and making us more active. It’s a fabulous combination.

“This year’s theme also invites those looking to provide a home for a rescue animal to consider an older pet as there are many benefits to adopting an older animal and helping them live out their twilight years in comfort and safety.”

For the next four-and-a-half weeks (April 1 to May 4) the UK will go pet-tastic as pet fans are encouraged to attend or stage all kinds of fun and informative pet themed fundraising events.

There will be competitions for schools, sponsored dog walks, pet fairs and pet shows, pet-friendly church services, special open days at veterinary practices and local pet shops, cake bakes, fancy dress events and lots more.

To find out more go to and check out the National Pet Month events map, which will be updated throughout the campaign

The UK has long been regarded as a nation of pet lovers and with good reason. It’s estimated that there are 65 million pets in homes across the country with 46 per cent of households or 13 million people, sharing their lives with pets.

Pet fans are encouraged to show their support for our nation’s pets by registering as a supporter at It’s free and only takes a minute.

Here pet fans will find regular updates, be able to check out the NPM interactive map to see what fun events are happening near them and find out how they can organise their own event in aid of a favourite UK pet charity.

Michael continues: “There really is so much UK pet fans can do to help spread the responsible pet ownership message and raise money for pet organisations throughout National Pet Month. There’s loads of help on the NPM website making it easy to put on a fantastic event so please get involved!”

Agria Pet Insurance and the Medivet Veterinary Partnership are primary sponsors for National Pet Month’s 2015 campaign.

Both companies will work closely with National Pet Month in the next year, helping to encourage the nation to look after their pets responsibly and by providing plenty of pet news, views and expert tips.

For more information on Agria Pet Insurance go to

For more details on Medivet go to

Look out for more updates and fun competitions via the National Pet Month Facebook family, (for cat lovers) and (for dog lovers).

You can follow our sponsors on Facebook and and on Twitter and

National Pet Month takes place from April 1 – May 4 2015