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Battersea's urgent call for doggy foster parents – could you help a homeless hound?

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is in urgent need of temporary foster carers for its abandoned dogs.

Every year, some 6,000 dogs come through Battersea’s doors, and many of them find kennel life to be a bewildering and stressful experience. For those who struggle the most, like Sandy, a foster family gives them to chance to settle in a peaceful, loving home while permanent owners can be found for them.

Two-year-old Sandy was brought to Battersea in November by her owner who couldn’t look after her anymore. Poor Sandy suffers from a skin condition which has caused a lot of her fur to fall out. The noise and busy environment of kennel life proved very upsetting for Sandy, exacerbating her skin problems.

James Ross, Foster Coordinator at Battersea, said: “Sandy is a wonderful dog, but doesn’t cope in kennels. She suffers from separation anxiety which kennels makes worse. An understanding foster family makes a world of difference for a dog like Sandy, whose physical and mental health can improve so much in a comfortable home.”

Sandy is currently back in kennels and Battersea is hoping to find a foster family for her soon. Ideal foster parents for dogs are experienced dog owners who do not currently have a pet. Often the dogs that benefit most from a foster family are those who have had the rougher starts – so they will need work and patience.

James Ross continues: “Our best fosterers understand that the work is just starting when they leave Battersea with the dog. These dogs have often been abandoned and they will need compassion and understanding. If you have the time and the resources to help a dog like this, then please get in touch.”

If you think you could provide a foster home for one of Battersea’s most needy dogs, please download an application form from or email

If you think that you could offer a rescue dog a second chance, please contact Battersea on 0843 509 4444 or visit