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The Year of 52 Rescues

I've just discovered a wonderful idea that artist Elizabeth Ellis has
come up with. She's called it The Year of 52 Rescues, and throughout
2015 she'll be painting a picture of one adoptable animal who is
currently in a shelter. The hope is that this will help the animal find
a home, and will also shine a light on the plight of animals waiting
for their forever home.

You can see Elizabeth's work at her website
and you can also find her on Facebook,
and Tumblr.
You can also check out her You

In January 2016 the project will culminate in an exhibition of all 52
paintings at the Dreaming Tree Galleries in Grove City, Ohio. After the
exhibition all original paintings will be mailed, free of charge, to
the shelter who still has the animal or to the family which has adopted
the animal.

I think this is a fantastic idea, and I hope it finds lots of animals a
loving new permanent home. If, like me, you are inspired by the project
there are ways that you can help support it.

Obviously, you can share it on social media to help raise awareness,
but if you are a no-kill shelter Elizabeth would like to hear from you.
She needs a photo, specific information about the animal, and the
shelter. Elizabeth doesn't just want the "cute" ones either - so if
your rescue shelter has an animal with an adorable character whose
looks or disabilities are holding him back, get in touch with her.

Elizabeth is also seeking donations of unwanted watercolour paper,
11"x14" mats with 8"x10" openings, 11"x14" picture frames, 11"x14" or
larger padded mailing envelopes, and pillow cases (to keep the picture
frames from banging together). Donations can be mailed to
Elizabeth Ellis,
P.O. Box 111,
Sugar Grove,
Ohio 43155

We'll be keeping you up to date with  Elizabeth's progress,
and in the meantime we hope her skill paints a bright new future for
many animals in shelters.

Take care,

Julie xx