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Battersea offers free dog microchipping in Stockwell

Earlier this year, the Government announced that all dogs in England must be microchipped by April 2016. To support and promote this vital initiative, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is working with Lambeth Council to offer free microchipping, name tag engraving and advice about responsible dog ownership on Tuesday 6 August at Stockwell Gardens Estate.

More than 65 per cent of all dogs arriving at Battersea are not microchipped and the charity believes being able to identify dogs will help to reduce the problem of stray dogs. Members of public are encouraged to attend the events if they would like Battersea to microchip their dog for free. Battersea staff and volunteers will give free advice, and there will be the opportunity to raise any questions after the event by signing up to the Home’s call back service.

The public events are open to all residents and will be held at Rhodesia Road, Stockwell Gardens Estate SW9, from 1pm – 4pm.

Dee McIntosh, Director of Communications at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home said: “Many dog owners don’t realise how helpful a chip, the size of a grain of rice, can be. Having an owners contact details at hand removes the chance that they may lose their dog. Microchipping is the only permanent way of identifying your pet, and it ensures that any lost animal can be reunited with its owner as quickly as possible. It takes no time at all and simply involves inserting a chip without your dog taking much notice. So Battersea is keen dog owners will take the time to get it done.”