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Try a new dog sport at the APDT activity weekend

If you fancy trying something new with your dog, the APDT - Association of Pet Dog Trainers - has an activity weekend in June that could be just what you're looking for. You can attend and participate with your dog, or you can just watch what's going on. So if you'd like to find out more about gundog training, search and rescue, treibball (a dog sport that's very new to the U.K.), working trials or rally, and even have a go at any of them with your dog, all the information you need is here:

The APDT,UK is running another very popular ACTIVITY WEEKEND!

This weekend is for anyone who has a dog and wants to try something new. 

The weekend will be 8/9th June 2013 so keep this weekend free in your diary.

We will have 6 fun events to try your hand and paw at, including:

Gundog, Search and Rescue, Treibball, Working Trials and Rally.

NOT SURE WHAT TREIBBALL IS? HAVE A LOOK AT YOUTUBE - Ball Herding Training UK - Treibball - YouTube

NOT SURE WHAT RALLY IS? GO TO OUR RALLY PAGE - UK Rally - Association of Pet Dog Trainers UK
The weekend will be run at the beautiful and popular venue of Top Barn Farm in Worcestershire

Only 12 dogs per activity (unlimited spectators) so book now to make sure you get the activity you want to try.

You will receive a full timetable of events when booking in.
Registration will be 9am - 9.30am.

If you are coming as a spectator you will be able to veiw all the actvities.