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Life Brightens up for Blind Homeless Hound

Dogs Trust Darlington’s Blind Bedlington Terrier finds her furry tail ending

A blind rescue dog found her furry tail ending when she was adopted by a new owner who immediately fell in love with her. When little Bella arrived at Dogs Trust Darlington in the Summer, staff were concerned that they would have their work cut out finding a home for a six month old, completely blind puppy. However the tenacious little Terrier soon revealed she was a real character who would not let her disability hold her back. Bella quickly won the hearts of the Rehoming Centre staff through her bubbly, bouncy character and incredible zest for life.

Bella is congenitally blind which means she was born completely blind. She was handed into the Rehoming Centre in Sadberge when she was just a puppy by her owners who no longer felt they could care for her as she was frightened of their other dogs. Fortunately she had only been at the Rehoming Centre for a month when she was spotted by dog lover Lindsey Claydon and it wasn’t long before Lindsey was absolutely smitten with mischievous little Bella.

Bella’s owner Lindsey Claydon explains:

I had been to the Rehoming Centre a couple of times in search of the perfect pooch when staff asked me if I would mind taking a look at a very special little dog As soon as I was introduced to Bella I knew she was the only dog for me. She is such an affectionate, sweet natured girl and she has fitted into my life perfectly. The fact that she is blind has never been an issue because I expected adopting any dog to have certain challenges so I have only ever considered that Bella’s condition makes her extra special and unique”

Bella is no trouble out on walks as she rarely bumps into things as she seems to have developed a sixth sense but I do let her know if I move anything around the house. A typical day in Bella’s life includes sharing a carrot and being nuzzled by her favourite horse that lives nearby, a game of chase with next door’s Collie and running round in circles on the beach. People may see her story and think that she is lucky to have found a home but I know I am the lucky one. She is such an amazing girl and I can’t imagine life without her – she really is a dog in a million”

Ledean Lawson, Dogs Trust Darlington Supporter Relations Officer:

“Some people will overlook any dogs that have any slight health problem and even with her fantastic personality we did worry that it may be difficult to find Bella a home so we are absolutely delighted that she has found the perfect life with Lindsay. Dogs Trust never put a healthy dog down so we were able to find her the loving home she deserved. Bella’s life may have been so different if she hadn’t ended up at Dogs Trust Darlington and its wonderful stories like these, including regular updates about Bella’s antics that really make this job so worthwhile.”

Dogs Trust Darlington cares for around 120 abandoned and unwanted dogs at any one time. If you are interested in rehoming a rescue dog call the Rehoming Centre directly on 01325 333 114 or visit at Hill House Farm, Sadberge, Co Durham, DL2 1SL.

Dogs Trust is the UK’s largest dog welfare charity and cares for over 16,000 stray and abandoned dogs each year through its network of 18 Rehoming Centres nationwide and one in Dublin.

For more information about the charity’s work please visit