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Puppy and kitten who think they’re sisters find a home

The Read family with their new arrivals.
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A puppy and kitten that were hand-reared at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home Old Windsor and so close they thought they were sisters have found a home together thanks to a family from Essex.

Jack Russell puppy Buttons and her feline friend Kitty became famous around the world for their close bond. Battersea’s Old Windsor centre, where the pair were cared for, was flooded with calls from people as far afield as America wishing to offer the duo a loving new home.

But it was the Read family from Colchester, Essex who were able to adopt the pair after seeing Buttons and Kitty’s remarkable story on the Battersea website. The animal lovers have lots of experience with pets and Buttons and Kitty will be in good company with Rosie, their Battersea dog, and Marge and Homer their two cats.

Mum Maureen Read explains: “We’ve been so excited about Buttons and Kitty coming to live with us. Out of all the people in the world who came forward to rehome them, I can’t believe we got them. They are going to love living with us as we will give them lots of love, attention and kisses. I work with horses on an 800 acre estate and once Buttons is old enough she’ll be joining me and Rosie at work. Anyone thinking of getting a dog or cat should definitely visit Battersea – they do fantastic work and giving a rescue pet a second chance is so rewarding,”

Kaye Mughal, Centre Manager at Battersea Old Windsor adds: “Buttons and Kitty are such a special pair and we were inundated with calls for them. It was hard sorting through all the enquiries but we are all thrilled with their new home. We’re sure they’ll be well loved and very happy there.”

Buttons the puppy was born at Battersea but was rejected by her mother and Kitty was found abandoned in a garden at just one week old. Both animals were hand-reared together by a Battersea veterinary nurse until they were nine weeks old and ready to go to a new home.

Battersea cares for around 150 cats and 450 dogs at any one time. If you are interested in giving an animal a home please contact Battersea on 020 7687 9280 or visit