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Charity inundated with jumpers to keep canines cosy this christmas

Volunteers have been knitting jumpers.
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Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, will be helping to keep many homeless  canines cosy this Christmas after receiving an unprecedented amount of doggy jumpers knitted by over a thousand volunteers across the UK.

In September, Dogs Trust launched its “Keep Canines Cosy” campaign which urged people to knit doggy jumpers. These jumpers will be included in the Canine Christmas Hampers that the charity’s Hope Project distributes every year to dogs whose owners are homeless at Christmas.

A cute dog amongst the jumpers.
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The canine hampers include leads, collars, treats and toys, and now, doggy jumpers, and are sent to ensure that dogs whose owners are homeless or living in temporary accommodation get everything they need to stay warm and healthy over the winter season.


Clare Kivlehan, Dogs Trust Hope Project Manager, explains:

“The response from the public has been amazing. We have received hundreds of beautifully knitted jumpers of all shapes and sizes from people all over the UK who want to makes sure that dogs in less fortunate circumstances are well looked after this Christmas. Many knitters even knitted scarves for the dog owners and wrote personal letters to go with their gifts. We are delighted we can make the festive season a little brighter this year with the addition of some cosy dog jumpers in the hampers.”


Winter is tough for homeless dogs.
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As well as offering subsidised veterinary treatments and Canine Christmas Hampers, the Hope Project also encourages homelessness hostels and day centres to accept clients with dogs and helps them put in place practical guidelines. Often homeless people choose to stay with their dog on the streets if a hostel doesn’t allow dogs to stay as well.


Homelessness organisations or veterinary surgeries interested in finding out more information about the Hope Project should call Dogs Trust on 020 7837 0006 or email