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Discover Critter Studio

In the course of my job interviewing and writing about (mainly) dog folk, I come into contact with some lovely people. I've just discovered Critter Studio, who are not only lovely people, but they take some gorgeous shots of a variety of animals, notably dogs. Critter Studio took the smashing shot of PJ Houghton with her two German Shepherds and her Papillon which accompanies my latest article in UK magazine, Dogs Monthly. The article is about small and large dogs, and how they can all participate in a variety of activities, and also live together in harmony; and PJ's dogs are a wonderful example of that.. You can take a look inside the magazine online here.

The latest episode of DogCast Radio has advice on how to take great shots of your dog, so if you're looking for some further inspiration, you can see some more of Critter Studio's work not only on their website, but also on their Facebook page.
Take care,
Julie xx