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Response Statement on the Welsh Consultation on Compulsory Microchipping

Dogs Trust has welcomed the announcement that a public consultation on compulsory microchipping is now underway by the Welsh Government.

Five different options are being considered in relation to microchipping as part of the consultation and our preferred option is for microchipping to be made compulsory for all dogs.  Microchipping is the most effective way of ensuring lost dogs are returned to their owners. Overall the number of stray dogs collected in Wales last year was 9,482. Sadly the number of stray dogs reunited with their owners decreased by nearly 7% from 4,269 in 2010 to 3,950 in 2011. 

Dogs Trust runs the Microchipping Alliance which is campaigning for the compulsory microchipping of dogs across the whole of the UK. In Northern Ireland microchipping became compulsory earlier this year and DEFRA is currently consulting on plans for England.

In addition, we strongly believe compulsory microchipping should form a central part of any future policy on tackling responsible dog ownership. Microchipping will not prevent attacks but we believe that it is the most effective way to link a dog to its owner, increase traceability and make irresponsible owners accountable for the actions of their dog.

Dogs Trust is currently microchipping all dogs for free at our rehoming centre in Bridgend. To make an appointment the rehoming centre can be called directly on 01656 725 219. Donations are gratefully received.