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Urgent appeal to help move rescue dogs on death row (in UK)

I've just had this appeal for help in. If you could help supply any of these items, or if you're in the North Devon area if you could spend some time helping, the contact details are at the end of the post:

We are Loving Homes Dog Rescue - Chris Dannan and Terry Rogers, based in Mid Devon, a small non-profit making dog rescue. We have a major emergency...One of the Volunteer groups on Facebook - West Wales Pound Dogs has been granted access to a Pound in Northampton to move 80 dogs! This will be the largest single dog rescue by small rescue group volunteers in the UK and it needs to happen in the next couple of days otherwise these dogs will be put to sleep. This is just one Pound in the UK but highlights the levels of stray, abandoned, abused dogs are at a crisis point.

We have found a space to house all 80 dogs for the time being but we will be in desperate need of the following at least in the short term:

80 crates - equal split of medium/large;
40 sacks of dog food to start;
160 blankets;
bread baskets (the rectangular ones - work wonders as beds in large/extra large crates);
small/medium beds for the smaller crates;
160 metal feed/water bowls;
Approx 20 slip leads
Lots of poo bags!!

Volunteer dog walkers in the North Devon area.

In addition we are coordinating our phone number is: 07723 955583 email: