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Trying to get longterm Dogs Trust residents a home

Sad news from Dogs Trust:
Dogs Trust Merseyside appeals on behalf of its overlooked dogs

Almost a third* of the dogs currently at Dogs Trust Merseyside are classed as ‘sticky’, meaning they have been in kennels for six months or more waiting to find a new home. The rehoming centre is making an appeal on behalf of two of its stickies, Dream & Dinky, to see if they can be ‘unstuck’!

Dogs can become sticky for a variety of reasons including: medical issues requiring treatment, age, socialisation or behaviour issues requiring treatment or just simply being overlooked by visitors.

Georgina Lowery, Dogs Trust Merseyside Rehoming Centre Manager, said:
“Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder there are some dogs we know will ‘fly out’ of our rehoming centres. Those dogs that fit people’s idea of what a rescue dog should look like – a scruffy, medium sized crossbreed with a cheeky look will always find a home quickly. Dogs that have a limb missing are often popular as people really feel they are helping to ‘rescue’ a dog. Similarly a dog that is friendly and approaches the front of his kennel wagging his tail or trying to lick or sniff their hands when people walk past, will get rehomed far faster than a dog that remains at the back of the kennel or doesn’t make eye contact.

“Although puppies are perennially popular, middle aged dogs are also a popular choice as the owner knows ‘what they are getting’. The hard work of toilet training and socialisation has been done and the dog can often fit into a household without the owners having to completely change their routine. It is older or ‘teenage’ dogs that can be harder to rehome.”

Although favourites with the staff at the centre, it may be the tricky teenage years that are putting people off offering homes for Dream and Dinky.

Female Lurcher Aged 1 ½ years
Dream is a lovely, lively Lurcher at Dogs Trust Merseyside. She needs a home where she can have time and effort spent with her on training as she is only young and can be a bit over exuberant. She loves to run and play but can be a little bit silly with other dogs so needs to learn how to socialise with others more. Dream is still only a young girl so needs a home with someone home most of the day to help with house training and basic manners. She would prefer an adult only home and would be best as the only pet.

Male Staffie Cross Aged approximately 2 years
Dinky is a lovely boy who greets you with a big waggy tail each morning. He was an unclaimed stray that is now looking for a forever home. Dinky loves any fuss and attention and especially his walks. Dinky would fit into most family homes quite easily and can live with children over 10 years of age but would prefer to be the only dog in the home. He will need a nice active family where he won't be left for very long by himself. He can get a little bored by himself so does need some basic training and regular exercise.
If you would like to offer a home to any of the wonderful dogs cared for at Dogs Trust Merseyside, please call the Rehoming Centre directly on 0151 480 0660 or visit
Dogs Trust is the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, caring for over 16,000 stray or abandoned dogs every year through its network of 17 Rehoming Centres across the UK.