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Ben & Bruce Fogle photo competition

Ben & Bruce Fogle want photos of your dog's scratched & chewed toys.
Click on photo for larger image.

Does your dog (or cat) damage or destroy toys? Well make the best of things, take a photo of the evidence and enter the competition that Ben & Bruce Fogle are running. Here's the information you need:

Bruce and Ben Fogle are delighted to announce the launch of a quirky competition for all dog and cat lovers in a bid to gather new friends for two important charities  - Dogs Trust and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.

Pet people are being asked to send photos of creatively nibbled, torn, shredded, scratched, chewed, deconstructed or simply destuffed dog and cat toys to where they will be judged taking into account their originality, humour, intelligence, artistry or just plain ability to make you smile!  The winner will have the pet of their choice photographed by eminent photographer Nick Stevens. 

Bruce said  "I admit it. Whenever I go abroad I always bring a toy back for Bean (his golden retriever).  From Norway it was a bear in a Norwegian jumper, now with no eyes. From Canada a skiing beaver dressed as a Mountie. Bean thought a skiing beaver was too silly so she removed the skis – but not the Mountie’s hat!”

Bruce’s son the writer and adventurer Ben Fogle adds, “The really arty ones in our family are my dogs Inca and Maggi and my sister Tamara’s dogs Lola and Marnie. We call their creations ‘bio-modified installations. The Saatchi Gallery should exhibit them.”  Ben’s sister is handbag designer Tamara Fogle (

Founded in 1891, Dogs Trust (formerly the National Canine Defence League) ( is the largest dog welfare charity in the UK.  Each year they care for around 16,000 dogs at their nationwide network of rehoming centres.  No healthy dog is ever destroyed.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People ( is a national charity and centre of excellence in training dogs to alert deaf people to important sounds and danger signals in the home, work place and public buildings. Deafness can be a very isolating and lonely disability and a hearing dog can be life-transforming, giving the recipient greater independence, increased confidence, companionship and a feeling of security.  Neither charity receives any government funding, they are both supported only by the generosity of the public.
The Scratched and Chewed Competition ends on Bank Holiday Monday, the 7th May, 2012.

The London Veterinary Clinic website has all the details about the competition but there are also hundreds of easy to access pages of information and advice on medical, nutritional and training subjects all written by Bruce Fogle, the world’s best selling clinical vet.  Whatever your pet query you should find the answer.
Contact  for more photos or to speak with Bruce Fogle.

The London Veterinary Clinic website:

*Entrants in the competition agree to their email address being forwarded to Dogs Trust and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.