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Dog food ad made to appeal to dogs

Apparently, "Nestlé Purina has created the first-ever television commercial especially for dogs."
According to a press release on the Nestle site, "The TV commercial to be screened on Austrian television uses different sounds – including a high frequency tone – to capture the attention of four-legged friends and their owners. Nestlé Purina asked their experts in pet behaviour, based at St Joseph, Missouri, in the United States, to help them understand what sets dogs’ tails wagging."


You can see the advert here, and you can see a dog watching the advert here.


Clearly the hope here is that if people see their dog reacting with interest to the advert, owners will be tempted to buy it. It's a very clever concept, but personally I have enough pressure from my daughter wanting things she sees in adverts, if a UK version is made will I be able to cope if my dog starts making demands?


Is there anything on television that particularly sparks your dog's interest? Our dogs will often bark if they hear barking on television. And Star will bark if she hears someone whistling as she has learnt that indicates the presence of a dog who needs to be barked at. Car alarms have them grumbly growling, as they seem to pick up that that is a sound that requires some response. However, the sound on the television that sets off mayhem in our house though, is a doorbell. Even if it sounds nothing like our doorbell, they are all immediately on high alert and stampeding to the front door.


Take care,


Julie xx