I had a very interesting email from a lady called Amanda who tried to take her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy into a supermarket and was dismayed to be turned away. In an interesting turn of events King Charles II passed a law stating that the Spaniels named after him should be allowed access anywhere in the land including the House of Parliament. This law has never been repealed. I've looked into this before and as I understand it dogs are also not actually banned from shops by law in the UK - shops make their own policy on this, and many of them then try to pass off this self-imposed ban as law. In actual fact it is only food preparation areas that dogs are legally banned from. You can find out more about this subject at the Kennel Club site.
So at the moment, Amanda is waiting for a response from the supermarket she was asked to leave, and I'll be very interested in what they have to say. What do you think? - Was Amanda asked to leave the shop for no good reason or should dogs not be allowed into shops? Have you ever been asked to leave a shop with your dog or have you found some excellent dog friendly shops?
Take care
Julie xx
Here's Amanda's email:
I put the Cavalier King Charles Law to the test and was asked to leave my local Asda store even though I had gone to another Asda store 2 days ago and they happily let myself in with my puppy, Now going through the complaint dept at head office about this.
Below is the email I have sent them.
Good afternoon,
I have just called your Fareham stall and [employee's name removed] was very rude to me over the phone he did not what to listen to me, I have been a loyal customer for many years and also worked for yourselves for 14 years, the rudeness of [employee's name removed] was disgraceful.
I am not stupid I am fully aware of the policy of dogs in store but surly English Law is Law?????
I was very upset to be asked to leave your Fareham store as I walked in with my 10 week old Cavalier King Charles puppy in my arms, i only popped in for a loft of bread and get my lottery tickets.
I have always had Cavaliers and was reliably informed that by law I can not be refused entry anywhere in England as it was a law passed by King Charles II and has never been changed, when i informed the lady who asked me to leave she called some body called Kevin and he said I still had to leave, I was highly embarrassed.
Normally I would happily tie my dog out site however she is too young to be left outside, sorry to say but she is probably a lot cleaner and better behaved then some of the children running around the store.
I have had her for two weeks now and been to other local adsa stores also our local coop and my bank also local cafes, no one else had a problem with this
Below is the information I have copied from the internet regarding the English Law on Cavalier King Charles.
I would appreciate a response
King Charles II of England adored the breed named after him. His favourite
spaniel gave birth to a litter of puppies in her royal master's bed. Such was
his enthusiasm for his dogs that he passed a law that the Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel was not to be denied entry anywhere in the land. This law has never
been repealed
Regards Amanda
Today I entered my local
Today I entered my local Asda with my dog which is a King Charles spaniel. Having read up on the law regarding this breed and access to public places I took my dog shopping with me.
Whilst in the store several employees passed me and with the exception of the cleaner no one challenged me, that is until one managerial employee walked passed me and without challenging me called for security to deal with the issue.
This manager later approached myself and my daughter-in-law, and very rudely and unprofessionally asked us to remove the dog from the store as it was against store policy. When she was informed of the law regarding this breed of dog she disregarded this and informed us that it was HER policy and that we should abide by her ruling/policies.
We did finish our shopping regardlessly and left the store.
My daughter-in-law phoned the manager of Asda House and explained the incident to a manager there. As a result of this they are now going to look into this and if it is found true then policies will be changed to include King Charles spaniels within their policies as they do not wish to upset Royalty.
The store employee who behavied unprofessionally is going to have a formal complaint made against her by Asda House themselves.