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Help Surfice dog Ricochet raise funds to fight canine cancer

Latest news from Surfice dog Ricochet. To hear Judy tell the inspiring story of how her dog Ricochet became the rising canine star and fund-raiser she is in Episode 118 of DogCast Radio. Here's how you can help Ricochet raise money to fight canine cancer:
HERO DOG AWARDS - Please vote for Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog!
Surf dog Ricochet is in a "hero dog" contest, and the prize is a $5000 donation to canine cancer detection (Pine Street Foundation). Can you please help support Ricochet, and canine cancer by voting for her every day through July 31st? We all either have a dog, or know a dog that has suffered with cancer. Uggggh, we need to fight this disease together!
There are 8 categories. She is in the "emerging hero" category. One vote, per dog, per category, per day.  They calculate by 24 hours, so please vote daily around the same time. 
Here's the link, if her page doesn't come up automatically, just type in "Ricochet", and it will bring you to her page...
Ricochet has raised $90,000 for human animal causes, including homeless animals, rescues, shelters, people with disabilities, adaptive surfing, children with cancer, canine cancer, breast cancer, autistic kids, special needs kids, and more. If you think she is deserving of this honor/donation, please vote!
Thank you so much for your support.