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The Great British Greyhound Walk 2011

If you have a Greyhound, or you're a fan of Greyhounds, or you'd like to find out more about them the following will be of interest to you. Personally I think Greyhounds are a lovely, laidback breed and there are so many myths about them than stop them finding the loving homes they deserve. Here's some more information:
Sunday 26th June 2011
The Great British Greyhound Walk 2011- coming to a park near you!

Greyhounds, lurchers and their owners will be putting their best paw forward on Sunday 26th June to celebrate the second Great British Greyhound Walk (GBGW). Hounds and humans will be walking simultaneously at a number of parks, woods, beaches and heaths up and down the country. Walks already confirmed range from Liverpool in the north, Eastbourne in the south, Woodbridge in the east and Shrewsbury in the west. Not to mention St Helier in Jersey, Newquay in Cornwall lots and lots of others. In fact there is a walk taking place in just about every county with more confirming each week.

Janet Peacock, Chair of the Greyhound Walks charity masterminded the first GBGW in 2010 said, “Last year we set what we felt was an ambitious target of getting 1000 dogs walking at the same time a number of locations around the country. We were amazed that we exceeded our target by getting 1641 dogs walking. So this year we are aiming even higher and are hoping to get 2011 dogs and their owners walking on the 26th of June.

“The idea of the walk is to celebrate greyhounds and to raise awareness and promote them as wonderful family pets once their racing days are over.

“Greyhounds and lurchers make great companions; they adore human company, are gentle, docile and loving and walk really well on the lead. Contrary to popular belief, greyhounds don't require much exercise just two 20 minute walks per day are  sufficient although of course they enjoy longer walks too.

“The Great British Greyhound Walk is a project of ‘Greyhound Walks’, a registered charity which works to promote greyhounds and lurchers by organising regular walks and promotional events mainly throughout Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire”.

Claire Gholub who is leading the London walk at Clapham Common said “We would be delighted if local greyhounds, lurchers and their owners joined us on the 26th to help us make the Great British Greyhound Walk of 2011 even more successful than last year. We will be setting off at 10am from the bandstand on the common so everyone please come along and join in!” find out where your nearest walk is taking place.