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The bank that likes to say yes - and no

Dogs allowed - and not!
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If you look at the photo that accompanies this post, you'll see that apparently dogs are both allowed and not allowed into this bank.


I noticed this because I passed this bank in the past and noticed the sign saying dogs were allowed. I was impressed, and thought what a sensible decision to let dogs in. After all there's no food preparation or eating areas, no products on shelves for dogs to sniff or nibble at. So when I passed the bank again today and noticed the other sign that said dogs weren't allowed I was very disappointed.


So at the moment it seems to be if you walk into the bank from the right your dog can accompany you. But if you approach from the left your dog is banned. No wonder the banking world is in disarray at the moment if they can't even sort our whether they allow dogs in or not.


Take care,


Julie xx