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Join the Facebook campaign against the John Lewis advert

There seems to be so much unhappiness about the John Lewis advert that we have created a Facebook page called Stop the John Lewis Christmas Ad. If you're on Facebook please do visit that page and watch the advert; and if you feel moved, complain to John Lewis. This ad from a very well UK department shop is sending out a dreadful message about the conditions in which it's acceptable to keep a dog. A dog doesn't belong stuck outside in the snow in a damp, cold, doorless kennel - whether it has fairy lights on or not! A dog should be in the house with his people. Please help John Lewis get that message.
Take care,
Julie xx

It is a shame that there are

It is a shame that there are people like you who have nothing better to do than complain about an advertisement on the television, when there are so mant REAL problems all over the WORLD which demand our attention. Your life and others who share your tiny-minded views must indeed be very sad. Wake up to the world's real problems and stop being such a petty minded fool.

Darren Harryman

Actually Anonymous, we

Actually Anonymous, we highlight many issues to do with dogs - this one happens to have struck a chord and attracted attention. We've covered countless charities, rescues and other subjects on DogCast Radio - we try to shine a light on some of the problems around, while still celebrating everything that is wonderful about dogs and our bond with them.
Objecting to the ad isn't the be all and end all of my life - it's just a part of a process. However you are not the only one to misunderstand that.
Take care
Julie xx