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John Lewis and the dog that stayed out in the cold

Have you seen the John Lewis Christmas advert? If you have, did your heart sink at the scene where the dog was left outside in the snow with just a fairly ramshackle kennel for shelter? If so and you'd like to complain, you can email John Lewis to register your views. Apparently John Lewis have said they are aware of the problem, but of course, the more complaints they receive, the more urgently they will sort things out.


Some dogs get a rough enough time of it at Christmas; we don't need John Lewis conveying the message that it's fine to leave your poor dog out in the snow with inadequate shelter. So if, like me, you object to the ad - let them know about it.


Take care,


Julie xx

Dear Julie, What an

Dear Julie,
What an absolute load of drivel you spoke on the J. Vine show today.

Dogs are animals and should not be used to the soft life (except those bred as puppets for the -IQ rich) ; I've had 'gun dogs', guard dogs, sheep dogs and they've all resided outside; from hot Africa to snowy Scotland; I suppose in this day and age you knit them jackets and nice woolly bootees. Also you probably send your offspring to school in an armoured car and 4 bodyguards.

Dogs, cats, 'et al' do not belong in the house, apart from being a health hazard 'tis not their natural habitat.

Get real,

Rob Jolly; Aviemore

Sorry you didn't enjoy the

Sorry you didn't enjoy the Jeremy Vine show today - most people who responded were not in favour of the advert.
I do find it interesting the assumptions some people make about me! :)
Have your dogs always had adequate housing? I can only assume - or at least hope - so.
You don't seem to like animals very much - they are actually very healthy for humans to have around.
I know one thing - I'd rather be a dog in my house, than in your house.
You live in a beautiful part of the world Rob, at least your dogs have great scenery when they're exiled outdoors.
Take care,