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The Westminster Dog of the Year Competition 2010

Next week on Tuesday 2nd November it will be the Westminster Dog of the Year Competition 2010. I will avoid any puns about politics being a dog eat dog world and so on and simply leave you in peace to read the following information:
If a week is a long time in politics, just imagine how long it is in dog years… 

Dogs Trust and the Kennel Club are proud to announce the Westminster Dog of the Year Competition. With fifteen canine contestants throwing their leashes into the ring, it’s bound to be the most exciting leadership battle of the year. 

With not a spin doctor or focus group in sight, the Westminster Dog of the Year competition also provides the nation with the opportunity to see their MP as a real human being – poop scoop bag and all. The competition is open to all parliamentarians’ pooches, regardless of breed, creed or pawlitical persuasion.  

This year’s dogs range in size from a pint-sized miniature Dachshund to an enormous Newfoundland. With “adopted” siblings Dotty the German Shorthaired Pointer and Elvis the Chihuahua belonging to Simon Kirby MP also competing against each other, all 15 canines will be hoping for a decisive victory. There is no power sharing in the canine world.

Entrants include:
1. Dr Therese Coffey with Rizzo, Collie crossbreed
(Conservative, Suffolk Coastal)
2. Roger Gale with Lolita (Lollie), Newfoundland 
(Conservative, North Thanet)
3. Jake Berry with Lola, Poodle
(Conservative, Rossendale and Darwen)
4. Karl McCartney with Sophie, German Shepherd
(Conservative, Lincoln)
5. Harriett Baldwin with Poppy, Miniature Dachshund
(Conservative, West Worcestershire)
6.Helen Grant with Charlie, Border Terrier
(Conservative, Maidstone and The Weald)
7. Simon Kirby with Dotty, German Shorthaired Pointer and Elvis, Chihuahua
(Conservative, Brighton Kemptown)
8. Caroline Nokes with Inca, Cocker Spaniel
(Conservative, Romsey and Southampton North)
9. Andrew Rosindell with Buster, Staffordshire Bull Terrier
(Conservative, Romford)
10. Grahame Morris with Digby, Chocolate Poodle
(Labour, Easington)
11. Bridget Phillipson with Sam, German Shepherd
(Labour, Houghton and Sunderland South)
12. Rebecca Harris with Dido, Lurcher
(Conservative, Castle Point)
13. David Amess with rescue dog xx
(Conservative, Southend West)
14. Martin Horwood with Rio, Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Liberal Democrat, Cheltenham)