We all want our dog to be as happy and healthy as possible. Here's some great advice from TV vet Scott Miller on how to achieve that:
Take the lead on pet stress and avoid getting collared
Top tips from TV vet Dr Scott Miller on how to deal with pet issues such as separation anxiety and boredom
We all want the best for our much loved pets and new research from Tesco Pet Insurance has revealed that a third of us would even give up our favourite vices and even forgo our annual holiday to help pay for their vet bills.
So how do you ensure your pet stays happy and healthy, while avoiding unnecessary expenditure?
Get checked early – a change in the weather for pets, as with humans, can lead to number of easily treated and preventable ailments, a 20 minute check up now could save hours of anxiety and hundreds of pounds in bills.
Watch your pet’s waste-line – your pet may feel a little lonelier over the coming months as the summer with family fades, it is tempting to shower them with too much love and extra food to compensate – but be warned this can lead to bigger problems.
Keep pet food for pets - the way to your pet’s heart may be through its stomach – but did you know that disruption to feeding routines can cause stress and top-ups with human food tit-bits can prove toxic?
Avoid separation anxiety - We all feel sad when we are apart from someone we love and pets are no different but relieving the symptoms can be really straight forward with a little imagination.
Ensure your pets get plenty of exercise – giving your pet plenty of exercise and ensuring they have a range of toys and routines to keep them stimulated will help keep them happy and healthy.
Dr Scott Miller resident vet from TV’s ‘This Morning’ is on hand to share some simple but effective tips on how to tackle a plethora of pet related issues; from separation anxiety to simple things all owners can do to make sure their stay stimulated, happy and healthy as the autumn nights start to draw in.