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Some interesting dog facts and statistics

Further to the post a couple of days ago about and September being National Dog Adoption Month in the UK, here are some interesting facts and statistics supplied by I think the breeds or mixes we choose to live with can often reveal insights into our character - what can you deduce about the celebrities from the dogs they choose? How very sad that so many Staffies are in need of good homes too - what does that say about us all? Here's the information:
Celebrity Dog Rescuers

Jennifer Aniston – Corgi cross Terrier called Norman and German Shepherd called Dolly
J.K Rowling – Owns a rescue Greyhound
Thadie Newton – Adopted a Cross-Breed puppy called Maggie from The Dogs Trust
Kevin Spacey – Adopted a rescue Cross-Breed from Battersea Dogs Home
Paul O'Grady – Olga the Terrier Cross and Bullseye the Westie Cross
Geri Halliwell – Harry the Shih-Tzu
Annette Crosbie – Famously helps promote rescue Greyhounds and owns three
Graham Norton – Terrier Cross called Madge
John Barrowman – Jack Russell Terrier named Captain Jack
Doggy Facts
Most popular breed in the UK

•                  Labrador
•                  English Cocker Spaniel
•                  English Springer Spaniel
•                  German Shepherd Dog
•                  Staffordshire Bull Terrier
(Source: Kennel Club)

Average cost to buy as puppies from breeders

•                  Labrador £500-800
•                  English Cocker Spaniel £500-800
•                  English Springer Spaniel £500-800
•                  German Shepherd Dog £500-800
•                  Staffordshire Bull Terrier £300-500

Popular breeds on

•                  Staffordshire Bull Terrier (240 looking for homes)
•                  Greyhound (198 looking for homes)
•                  Lurcher (121 looking for homes)
•                  Jack Russell Terrier (58 looking for homes)
•                  German Shepherd Dog and Rottweiler  (both 52 looking for homes)