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Some doggy mothers looking for new homes


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p>On Mothers Day, spare a thought for some doggy mothers who need forever homes:


Devoted doggy-mums are in need of paw-fect homes


On Sunday 14th March mums across the country will be eagerly awaiting cards, gifts and flowers; sadly no one will be sending tokens of love to these three doggy-mums.

Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity is appealing for loving homes for Bea, Snoop and Nessa who are all exceptionally devoted mothers.


Bea the Beagle was found wandering the streets of Ballymena as a heavily pregnant stray; she recently gave birth to seven delightful puppies. The stress became too much for poor Bea, who fell ill - staff were concerned for the pups and considered hand rearing them. However, Bea, ever the devoted mum looked after them dutifully throughout her illness and made a full recovery.

Dogs Trust Ballymena Rehoming Centre Manager, Mary Carney, explains:

“Bea is a typical Beagle as she can persistently track scents when out on walks; with this in mind we’re looking for a new owner who understands the breed. We have no doubt that her puppies will quickly find homes; and are hoping for a similar outcome for Bea. She could happily live with a canine companion and children.”


Snoop and Bryn.

Snoop and Bryn.
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Snoop (left) a 13year old Collie type came into Dogs Trust’s Merseyside Rehoming Centre with her son, six year old son Bryn (right). These two are incredibly attached, and must be rehomed together – this means double the responsibility, but double reward.

Dogs Trust Merseyside Rehoming Centre Manager, Georgina Lowrey, explains:

“Snoop has been a wonderful mum to Bryn for six years, so we want to see them rehomed together – preferably to an active household who can ensure the twosome get plenty of exercise. They can live with older children, other dogs and would also be happy to share a home with catty-companions!”



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Nessa, a little 4year old Terrier type was also found as a pregnant stray; she gave birth to her litter only days ago and has instantly taken to motherhood. This little dog has already given so much love to her brood, and will soon be looking for someone to give her all the love and attention she so deserves.

Dogs Trust Kenilworth Rehoming Centre Manager, Sandra Wilson, explains:

“When pregnant strays come into the centre their puppies find homes without difficulty, very often it’s the mums who find themselves over-looked – we want to ensure  this is the not the case with Nessa. She loves her toys and lots of affection; a family home with would suit this charming little lady.”


If you think you could give a new home to Bea, Snoop and Bryn or Nessa or indeed any of their canine companions please call:

Dogs Trust Ballymena 028 2565 2977
Dogs Trust Kenilworth 01926 484 398.
Dogs Trust Merseyside 0151 480 0660