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What we got up to on day one of Crufts

It's the first day of Crufts today and as I trawled through the press releases on offer in the press room, some of them jumped out at me.
For example on titled, "Tudor Mongrel Steels the Show at DFS Crufts 2010" compelled me to investigate further. A mongrel at the biggest pedigree dog show in the world? It turns out that what was on public display was the skeleton of the only female on Henry VIII's flagship The Mary Rose when it sank, that of a dog of undetermined breed who has been nicknamed Hatch. Hatch's remains had lain in the wreck of the ship for over four hundred years. Apparently the young, small, terrier type dog was on board to deal with rats who had made it on board - Tudor sailors preferred dogs to do this job as they considered cats unlucky. Not that Hatch brought much luck to the ship, which sank on its maiden voyage. You can find out more about the Mary Rose and the exhibition which Hatch is part of at the Mary Rose 500 Appeal website, and you can hear an interview about her in a forthcoming DogCast Radio episode.
Meanwhile, the Poopsta press release was proclaiming, "World's First One-Push Poop Scoop Challenges DFS Crufts Visitors to Sculpt Their Own Dog Poop". I had to find out more. It was not as disgusting as I had first thought - visitors were being offered plasticine to make a replica of what they thought their dog's poop looked like, and the Poopsta demonstrators were proving that their device could cope with it. If you haven't come across the Poopsta, it's well worth visiting their website to see how the ingenious scooped works, particularly if you dislike the worst aspect of dog ownership.
I read the Dog Theft Action press release in support of compulsory microchipping and agreed that it would - or hopefully will - be a move that improves the chances of lost dogs being reunited with their owners, promotes responsible ownership and breeding, and reduces the number of dogs stolen. If it's a subject you're interested in, click on that link and have a read yourself.
We had a wonderful, if busy day, immersed in what we like best here at DogCast Radio - anything and everything dog related. And the best thing is we get to do it all again tomorrow! Tomorrow we will have the added pleasure - and challenge! - of being accompanied by Buddy. He and I will be on The Blue Cross stand from 11.00a.m.-12.00p.m and 3.00-4.00p.m. so if you happen to be there come over and say hello. If you're not there you'll have to wait for the photos and video to be posted.
Take care,
Julie xx