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Reigning cats and dogs

Buddy and Luna cuddle on the couch.
Click on photo for larger image.

A few weeks ago we added two kittens to our growing menagerie. This was something we did with full commitment, but some trepidation as we obviously already have two dogs, plus Anthony is allergic to some cats. However, having made the decision to take them in, we were determined to make it work. You can hear more details in this weekend's show about how the canines and felines have settled down together, but as shown in the photos they are now perfectly happy and relaxed in each other's company.

Star and Leo relaxing.
Click on photo for larger image.

I have learned some things as I climbed a fairly steep learning curve. I have picked up on body language, for example the fact that a wagging cat's tail, unlike a dog's, does not denote friendliness. I've learned about training, in as much as puppies pick it up quickly while kittens have no concept at all of a human ordering them about to any degree at any time in any way. Perhaps most importantly I've perceived that cats while somewhat domesticated are still wild at heart, and definitely not as akin to humans as dogs, so whereas a scared dog will appreciate some comfort from his owner, I will never again make the mistake of trying to comfort and hold in my arms a cat who would rather be cowering behind a sofa. Never!

Needless to say, our dogs got to grips with cat psychology far quicker than I did.

Take care,

Julie x


Anthony's allergies have settled down too.