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What I've been up to

I've been really busy on a variety of things lately, but I've managed to fit in two interviews which included my favourite thing - meeting dogs! And people of course!

The first interview was with Karen Thorne who owns the dog friendly Hopton House Bed and Breakfast in Shropshire. Karen was lovely to chat with, and she has two delightful dogs - the lively Murphy and the thoughtful Mitsi. We got the interview and photos out of the way, and got down to more important business - a game of fetch in the garden. I don't think I've ever played fetch with such a picturesque back drop. If you're looking for a dog friendly holiday in the area, do check out Hopton Hose, where your dog is welcome, not just allowed.

Today I've been thoroughly Labradoodled! I thought my Buddy was an enthusiastic greeter, but he's not a patch on a Labradoodle in full greeting mode! However, I have to say that I do like a dog that makes it clear he's pleased to see me. I know some trainers might say he's trying to exert his authority, but I'll interpret it my way, thank you! I was meeting two members of the Labradoodle Trust, and finding out about the much needed work they do rehoming Labradoodles in need. Both interviewees were ken to stress that Labradoodles are not a "hypoallergenic" dog, so if you're allergic to dogs don't just assume that a Labradoodle - or any other breed as a whole - is the answer to your problems.

Both interviews will be coming up in shows before Christmas, and I've been working on lots of other show content, so make sure you download or listen online - don't miss out!

Take care,

Julie x