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Watch the magic of the Russian Dog Wizard

Do you remember Vladislav Roytapel, the Russian Dog Wizard from Episode 82 of DogCast Radio? He is a great dog trainer - and a great character too! As you can hear in the interview, he has strong views on dog training, and he gets great results. He has trained dogs in many countries, in many situations, and now owners often turn to him for help with dogs that are considered "untrainable". Valdae can always help though, and with his ability to communicate with dogs in their own language, "doglish", he can get humans and canines on the road to living in harmony.

Vladae has trained dogs for the Russian government, the Red Army and the KGB. The dogs he worked with carried such tasks as sniffing out gas leaks, delivering mail between the military ships, guarding and search and rescue. You can find out more about him at his website, The Russian Dog Trainer.

But if you'd like to see him in action, go to the npr site and on this page 'Russian Dog Wizard' Trains Pooches To Paw The Line there's a video of Vladae with his dog. He is also seen advising a client and giving his advice on how to communicate with your dog.

Much of what Vladae says makes a lot of sense, and will help you convey to your dog what you want him to do. Although I can't promise you'll be able to do it with the flamboyance that the Russian Dog Wizard himself displays!

Take care,

Julie x